Natalia Kuznetsova is 33 years old and she is known all over the world for her shapes! What bodybuilder Natasha looked like before she got serious about sports

The champion bodybuilder is now thirty-three and is known to all heavy metal fans who spend maximum time with weights and machines.

Natalya was also active in sports before she got into bodybuilding, but the voluminous relief of impressive muscle mass appeared to her not so long ago, after she retrained from army sports, in which she also did not watch her back, winning champion titles, to bodybuilding.

Probably, judging by the dynamic take-off in a new direction, this is the sport where Kuznetsova will be able to reach the maximum heights and victories.

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Natalia Kuznetsova is 33 years old and she is known all over the world for her shapes! What bodybuilder Natasha looked like before she got serious about sports
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