Johnny Depp is busy solving his problems, running through the courts, while his former lover is on holiday in the southern part of France.

That’s where the paparazzi caught her. She was coming out of a shop.
Looking at the pictures we can say that the star will have a baguette for breakfast. She will be eating together with her eighteen-year-old son named Jack.

The young man is resting together with his lady of the heart. It’s model Jansen. The couple does not lurk, boldly holding hands in public. In social networks constantly confess their love for each other.

As soon as fresh pictures appeared on the network, fans immediately began to discuss them. They were not delighted with the appearance of the star. Some kind of homeless. A strange outfit she chose for herself. Not at all understandable modern fashion.

What do you think of her outfit? Vanessa doesn’t seem to care about her appearance at all. She also doesn’t care what people around her think. She’s on holiday and doesn’t care about anything else. She just chose a comfortable style and that’s it.