Famous film stars Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, back in 1990, enlivened all the front pages of the world press with the news of their wedding. Two years after the official registration of the relationship, they tried to give birth to a joint child, but it did not take place, and the couple decided to take adopted children.

In 1992 in their family appeared Bella, and three years later the couple brought up two, Bella and her brother Connor.

Happy family life and joint parental care ended in 2000, when Cruise engaged in spiritual perfection, plunging headlong into Scientology. The estrangement with his wife kept increasing, and eventually they separated.

The next unusual event in the relationship between Nicole and Cruise was the fact that according to the court decision, the children remained not with their mother, as it usually happens, and with the adoptive father.

Kidman was indifferent to this turn of events and the first time after the divorce maintained relations with the children remotely, but then simply forgot about their existence.

Connor has always been close to his father, they maintain a relationship and now. The adopted son became a fairly famous musician, created a family with a model. Wedding newlyweds organised Tom Cruise, though with the reservation that Nicole will not be invited there.

Bella, having become an adult, with foster parents do not communicate. Together with her programmer husband, they live in the UK.