Fifty-year-old Alexandra, a rather famous American artist, managed to fall in love with her enviable for many fiancé, Kean Reeves, who is nine years older than her, although he looks noticeably younger than his years, because of which there are many comments to their photos, where Kean is called Alexandra’s younger brother.

Although the woman is fifty, she looks very good, while leaving her beauty in that natural way that men like so much, perhaps this is the reason why Reeves fell in love with her.

Alexandra has clearly visible grey hair, no makeup, but her last outfit showed that the figure of the artist is the envy of many. The absence of even a sconce made it possible to appreciate her breasts, confounding all those who previously considered the woman a ‘blue stocking’.

Not all commenters were kindly disposed to Alexandra, most likely they are those from the beautiful half of humanity, who simply envy her, seeing a Hollywood star next to her.