If you see a rubber band on your door, you should know that it could mean something terrible

Perhaps once you managed to see that the rubber band is stretched on the door and you should be warned in advance, because in this case you are strictly forbidden to leave your own home and go out into the street, so that something bad does not happen. Today I would like to talk more about this, because everyone needs to know how to protect themselves in unforeseen situations.

It’s clear that most people would like to secure their homes as best as possible, so it seems to many people that you need to do everything possible so that no one can get on your property without permission. Someone thinks it’s a good idea to get a big dog, which will always guard the house and yard, protecting the tenant from intruders. Even they may not always be able to save the situation and you should think about other precautions.

Some people think that it would be enough to install a few cameras on their property and remotely monitor what is happening outside, so that they know in advance that someone has broken into the house and is going to commit a robbery. But I can disappoint you, because in this situation cameras are unlikely to have any effect on potential criminals, because at the moment it doesn’t seem difficult for them to switch them off. Even an ordinary person can do it. Clever criminals only need to think a little bit in order to break into your residence.

This woman had a very recent encounter with one of these criminals, because previously she could not even think that something like this would happen to her sooner or later. Moreover, she almost lost all her precious things in the house at one point if she had not taken certain measures. I think you should know about her interesting story too.

‘Some time ago I heard a knock at the door. I was minding my own business at the time and didn’t seem to be expecting any visitors, so it seemed strange to me that someone decided to show up at my house at that time. Moreover, the person on the other side of the door was knocking very insistently, so I assumed he needed help and was ready to dial the number.

Something stopped me right in front of the door, even though I was already holding the door handle and was about to open it. Some strange feeling was stopping me from doing so, and I didn’t know what to do. Maybe I should have known who was trying to break into my house in the first place? Or was I exaggerating too much at that point? In the end I decided to wait for an answer from the other side of the door, only it turned out that the person who was trying to break into my house so persistently disappeared a couple of minutes later, as if he didn’t need my help anymore. It was a good thing that at the last moment I decided to look through the peephole to see who was on the other side of the door and it turned out that there was an extremely suspicious young man who did not arouse any confidence in me.

An hour or so passed and I didn’t even notice how the time flew by, and when I looked at the floor I saw that a rubber band had been attached to my pen. It turns out that this allowed the intruder to safely leave my door open as soon as I would have turned the key in the lock. It looks like his plan failed and he decided to trick someone else, finally leaving me alone.’

Many web users were surprised by this situation when they heard the woman’s story, not realising what the rubber band on the door handle was all about. Some of them noticed that if they were in a similar situation, they would not open the door in any case, preventing a burglar from entering their home. Most likely, this woman even helped someone to escape from robbery, because recently such situations have happened very often and unfortunately, there is no way to escape from crime in recent times.

Moreover, a little later the same girl decided to say something in continuation of her story: ‘If you are faced with such a situation, robbers do not even have to wait for the moment when you start to open the door, because they will do it themselves. In any case, I would like other people to protect themselves in this situation, even though you may live in an extremely safe place. It’s important to remain vigilant until the very end.’

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If you see a rubber band on your door, you should know that it could mean something terrible
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