His classmates teased him for his slurred speech and beat him up. Fifteen years later, they saw him on the screen…..

Once, I remember watching a fascinating programme on some central TV channel about what ailments certain stars suffer from. In that programme it was said that the actor Sylvester Stallone, beloved by the public, had dyslexia.

I didn’t know the meaning of the word at the time and quickly started googling. It turns out that many stars, including Keira Knightley, Salma Hayek and many others, suffer from this reading disorder. At the same time defective or retarded in the development of celebrities can not be called exactly.

And now let’s return to our main character – Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone. Be that as it may, the strong Rimbaud has such a fate that is not enviable! Here are some vivid examples from his biography.

Because of the difficult delivery (the baby had to pull the forceps, due to which damaged the nerve endings) in the boy from childhood opened his eyes only half, as well as left paralysed tongue and cheeks. Surely you have noticed more than once that the actor speaks strangely.

At the age of 11, he watched superhero films and wanted to jump off a roof with the help of an umbrella. Sylvester fell into a pit of concrete, and his father, seeing this, shouted to his wife, ‘Look at this poor child, you gave birth to an idiot!’

By the age of 13, young Stallone had changed 10 schools, each of which he didn’t stay in for long due to bad behaviour. The real problem, however, was that the kid was constantly being bullied by his peers.

In order to somehow stop these mockery, Stallone enrolled in sports and, to the great surprise of his parents, had success there. Moreover, immediately after high school, he entered the American College in Switzerland, where he worked part-time as a coach….

It was there that Sylvester attended theatre classes and soon realised that the stage, not sport, was his everything. For five long years he tried to make his way into show business: he wrote scripts, went to auditions and castings, but was rejected everywhere.

To somehow survive, the actor had to work as a caretaker and ticket taker at the zoo. One day, when he saw on the blue screen match between the famous boxers Mohammed Ali and Chuck Wepner, he had a brilliant idea in his head. We should make a film about a loser boxer who falls in love and after that he succeeds.

Six scripts for this story were rejected by film companies, but the seventh, titled ‘Rocky,’ really appealed to the employees of the giant Universal. They decided to sign a contract with the young talent for 350 thousand dollars!

If you think that he agreed to take a fabulous sum without thinking, you are very wrong. Stallone offered to sell the script for just one dollar, but to take him for the lead role. Since then, the artist has had the nickname ‘Sly’ (‘sly’ in English).

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His classmates teased him for his slurred speech and beat him up. Fifteen years later, they saw him on the screen…..
The dog was tied to the sink and left forever