Her flaws are looked for with a magnifying glass and called a masculine simpleton, but she is the envy of millions of women! 🧐 Find out what the wife of the most beautiful Arab in the world looks like and what she does to win hearts 💍✨

Omar Borkan Al Gala is a photographer, model and poet. He managed to become famous all over the world thanks to his looks.

Fans do not stop attacking his pages in social networks, trying to get at least a little attention from this handsome man. Even a simple viewing of his pictures brings them a lot of pleasure. As a result, the young man became the most beautiful and charming Arab in the world. It is true that this title is unspoken.
He owes his popularity to one not-so-good incident. He flew from Iraq to Saudi Arabia. Only they didn’t want him there as a tourist because his looks were too sexy.

They were afraid that with his looks he would seduce women. He would provoke sinful thoughts in them and worse, lead them to debauchery.
But this behaviour of the authorities turned out to be to the handsome man’s advantage. The next day he became famous. There was no rest from his female admirers. They harassed him on the street. But none of them could seduce him. He’s neither proud nor unassailable. He’s just the kind of guy who’s loyal to his rightful lady. He’s been married for years and has a handsome son.

When fans found out that their idol is married, they were very upset. Naturally began to look closely at his choice. Looked for all sorts of flaws, shortcomings. As a result, they came to a verdict: a simpleton and not even attractive, some man-like.

The girls really disliked the lips and eyebrows of Omar’s wife. A lot of nasty comments immediately appeared under her posts. Everyone thought that she had plastic surgery, which did not improve her appearance, but only spoilt it.
Is a girl named Yasmin really ugly? Looking at the pictures it’s hard to say such a thing about her. Most likely it’s just female envy talking in the fans. They would sling mud at anyone who happens to be near their idol.

Yes, Yasmin is not a femme fatale beauty, but she is quite pretty, sweet. We don’t know her character. Maybe it was him she conquered the man and it compensated for her not ideal appearance.

By the way, the girl works part-time as a model, but her main job is a creative designer. It is also interesting that she comes from Saudi Arabia. Apparently one resident still could not resist the charms of the Iranian and succumbed to sinful thoughts, although the authorities have made a lot of restrictions.

The couple live richly. Omar is called from all sides to take part in the shooting as a model and promises fabulous money for it. He has already managed to make a solid fortune. It’s in the millions.

Whatever women say, Omar loves his wife. It is seen that he worships her. This is all reflected in their joint photos. They have fun and interesting time. They feel good with each other. They are just happy and there is no need to judge them for it.

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Her flaws are looked for with a magnifying glass and called a masculine simpleton, but she is the envy of millions of women! 🧐 Find out what the wife of the most beautiful Arab in the world looks like and what she does to win hearts 💍✨
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