Forty thousand dollars – that’s how much Britney Spears is paying her big-hearted sons, despite their attitudes towards themselves

The heirs of the famous singer are extremely hostile to their mother, considering her crazy, ridiculing her posts and photos in the networks. But at the same time they are very demanding when it comes to money, which their mother does not deny them, at least for now.

Her sons have inherited Britney’s beauty and charm, but, unfortunately, have absolutely no warm feelings for her, even a sense of gratitude for such a generous ‘provision’ is absent.

In the joint photos it is impossible to make a mistake and not realise that Sean and Jade are her sons, the resemblance to Britney is just striking.

The Hollywood star at one time received crazy fees and was almost the most sought after by producers and directors. She could not cope with such popularity and ‘copper pipes’, fame fell not Spears at too young an age to treat it with the proper philosophical approach. Then the star’s parents, as now her sons, were interested only in the money earned by their daughter, they were also indifferent to the fact that she steadily and surely went down to the bottom of the problems.

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Forty thousand dollars – that’s how much Britney Spears is paying her big-hearted sons, despite their attitudes towards themselves
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