Claudia Cordinale has changed over the years too….

Claudia Cordinale was considered the most beautiful actress in the seventies. Film classics, ‘Once Upon a Time in the Wild West’, ‘Strangers in Rome’ made her known to everyone who had any interest in art.

Now the actress is eighty-five, time has not spared her beauty, much changed after decades. Fans hardly recognise the one who was once given a standing ovation.

Cordinale lived a wonderful creative life, more than sixty years she starred in films, gifting the audience with her talent and charisma. On the acting skills of Claudia based entire courses of lectures for novice actors.

Such films as ‘The Girl and the Suitcase’ and ‘No Need for Waves’ have also become classics.

Despite her Italian origin, Cordinale appreciated even in Tunisia, giving her the same title – ‘The Most Beautiful’, and producer Franky Krastaldie made the actress an offer and signed a multi-year contract with her.

The real breakthrough in the career of Cordinale became ‘Strangers in Rome’, after this tape she got roles in such a famous film as ‘Rocco’, and a little later starred in ‘The Leopard’.

Career Hollywood actress does not allow you to especially ‘steer’ her creativity, Claudia had to agree with the rather strict conditions of filming and generally accepted rules, which she terribly disliked.

The next chosen one of the actress was Pascale Sciteri, with him Cordinale found a common language after the exhaustion of relations with Krustaldie.

Now the famous actress lives with her relatives, and her main concern for today is her own health. Probably, it is the right thing to do.

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