An imaginary celebrity demanded that the flight attendant move me from my rightful seat in First Class – I taught him a lesson in respect.

I’d always heard stories about rude celebrities, but never believed them – until I encountered one myself.

A local TV star tried to force me out of my seat in First Class on an aeroplane, but I had a cunning plan to teach him a lesson.

My unexpected ally? A pregnant woman.

After months of hard work, I decided to treat myself to a First Class ticket for my holiday in Europe.

In my 33 years, I felt I deserved a comfortable flight in total relaxation.

I imagined a relaxing flight with a glass of champagne in my hand.

But once I got to my seat, things didn’t go as I expected.

There he lay, sprawled out as if the whole cabin belonged to him alone.

I recognised him immediately – Mr Thames, the reality TV star known for his bad behaviour.

Sitting indoors in his sunglasses, he radiated arrogance as he leaned back in his chair and completely ignored me.

I tried not to let his reputation affect me.

Smiling politely, I prepared to take my seat next to him.

But no sooner had I fastened my seatbelt than he snapped his fingers, calling for a stewardess, like a king calling for a servant.

‘Excuse me,’ he said, his voice literally dripping with smugness.

‘I need more room. I can’t have someone sitting next to me. Find her another seat.’

I froze, stunned by his insolence.

The flight attendant gave me an apologetic smile.

‘I’m sorry, Mr Thames,’ she said, ’but all the seats on the plane are taken.’

But that didn’t stop him.

He turned to me, his lips curved in an arrogant grin.

‘DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?’ – he asked haughtily.

‘YOU need to leave. I need this place to myself.’

I took a deep breath, determined not to give in to his insolence.

‘Yes, I know who you are,’ I replied calmly.

‘But I paid for this place and I’m not going anywhere.’

His eyes narrowed, clearly not used to hearing rejection.

The tension in the air was palpable, and I could literally feel the stares of the other passengers, curious to see how this was going to end.

Mr Thames looked like he was ready to explode with anger, but then an idea occurred to me.

‘You know what?’ – I said thoughtfully, as if changing my mind.

‘Maybe I’ll actually leave. There’s no point in staying where they don’t want you.’

Relief lit up his face as he decided he’d won and collapsed even more in his seat.

As I walked down the aisle, I heard him haughtily toss to the stewardess, ‘You weren’t any help, were you? I’ll mention it.’

But I didn’t give up – I had a plan.

As I walked through the cabin, I spotted her: a pregnant woman trying to cope with a cranky toddler on her lap.

She looked exhausted and seemed terrified of the long flight ahead in economy class.

‘Hello,’ I said, taking a seat next to her.

‘Would you like to switch seats? I have a seat in First Class.’

Her eyes widened in surprise.

‘Are you serious? Oh my gosh, thank you!’

Without hesitation, she gathered her things and we headed for First Class.

As we approached, Mr Thames’ expression changed from bewilderment to horror.

I pointed to the seat next to him and the woman gratefully sat down, settling in with the baby.

‘Have a nice flight,’ I said with a smile, knowing full well what would happen next.

The baby immediately started fidgeting and reaching for the celebrity’s belongings with curiosity.

Mr Thames looked like he was ready to explode.

His former triumphant smile was gone, giving way to pure rage.

I gave him a small, satisfied smile as I headed for economy class.

As I sat down in the original pregnant woman’s seat, I couldn’t contain my laughter.

I wasn’t bothered in the slightest by the less luxurious surroundings.

Just the thought of Mr Thames spending the next few hours next to a restless baby was reward enough for me.

As the plane took off, I put on my sleep mask and leaned back, more relaxed than I had been in days.

A pregnant woman needed a First Class seat more than I did, and Mr Thames got exactly what he deserved.

Sometimes a bit of poetic justice is enough to remind someone that life doesn’t always go according to their script.

And as for Mr Thames?

Maybe by the end of the flight he realised that not everything in life is served on a silver platter.

We can only hope so.

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An imaginary celebrity demanded that the flight attendant move me from my rightful seat in First Class – I taught him a lesson in respect.
A 66-year-old mum who gave birth to twin boys