A single mum of four buys a used car and the owner asks her to look in the boot when she gets home

Jennifer is raising four children alone. It so happened that she was left without helpers – her husband left her for another woman. He decided to take such a step when he learnt that she was pregnant for the fourth time. This baby he considered an extra mouth, so he threw the responsibility off his shoulders.

Soon he got an official divorce, so Jennifer was left alone with her problems. Naturally, it was very hard for her alone to support such a large family. Moreover, the woman could not work full-time. She faced serious financial difficulties. The fact is that Adam did not participate at all in the life of the children and did not help with money. He proved that he was unemployed in court, so he allegedly had nothing to pay alimony. In reality, the man just didn’t want to lose his money.

The woman realised that she urgently needed to look for a job. Employers refused her because they knew that the mother of 4 children would not be able to cope properly with all her professional duties. She did not give up and started looking for a job even outside her town. Sometimes it was necessary to leave the children to the neighbours, because there was no other way out.

Soon Jennifer got a job as a maid in a hotel. The manager was sympathetic and took her on, despite her four small children. However, it was very expensive to take a taxi to the neighbouring town, and there were no buses. The woman decided that it would be a good idea to buy a second-hand car.

She found a used car that fully met her requirements. Jennifer even decided to meet the owner of the car and ask him for a discount. She explained that she was alone with her children and the car was her opportunity to provide for the little ones. The owner of the car agreed, but the problem was that the bank rejected the application of the mother of many children for a loan. She couldn’t even discount him the amount they had agreed on.

To solve the situation, Jennifer sold the gold jewellery she inherited from her grandmother and mother. These were family heirlooms, but there was simply no other way out. The money received was just enough to pay off the owner of the car. Not only that, there was still about $500 left for petrol and groceries.

The next day she went to the man and gave him the money. He smiled and congratulated her on the purchase of the car. The salesman also said he had prepared a small gift for her children. He asked that Jennifer check the boot when she got home.

Only problem is, in her worries, the woman forgot about the salesman’s words. But then she found a note in the glove compartment. It told her to check the boot after all. The man realised that Jennifer might dive into her own problems and put the parting words out of her mind. When she opened the luggage compartment, she cried. There was the same envelope of money she’d given the salesman. That is, he had given her the car for free.

When Jennifer went back to the man to thank him, he said: ‘Only you decide to succumb to the challenges of fate or deal with them. I’m amazed at how you hang in there for the sake of your children. I know you’ll need that money more than I will.’

After this incident, Jennifer believed again in the goodness of people. It was worth more than all the money in the world.

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A single mum of four buys a used car and the owner asks her to look in the boot when she gets home
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