A little dog sat at the bus stop all alone, with a note lying next to it

The story that happened a couple of years ago in Belgorod is a vivid confirmation of this.
Being left alone in old age is probably the worst thing that can happen to a person. But, unfortunately, it is very common nowadays.

A story that happened a couple of years ago in Belgorod is a vivid confirmation of this.

At the bus stop passers-by saw a small dog, which sat in one place and looked at everyone around with a frightened look. The animal was wearing a collar, a leash and even a mat to keep its paws warm.

You could tell from the sad and frightened eyes that the animal was very frightened, confused, but waiting for something. The touching picture attracted not a few people who cared.

It turned out that the doggie had a note, the text of which immediately made the picture of what was happening clear.

‘Shunya is good. Except for soup, borscht and porridge, everything eats. Bread, breadcrumbs, likes dry food, vegetables, bathing is very fond of. In the toilet goes to the nappy, and I went to the operation.’ – the note said. Most likely, this text was written by Shunya’s owner – an elderly woman. Most likely, the old woman simply had no other options where to put the dog, and she decided to take such a step out of desperation.

The dog’s photos hit the web and evoked a great response in the hearts of concerned citizens. On the same day, the dog was taken to a doggie day care centre, and soon, permanent kind hands were found for her.

Shunya is doing well, she is in good hands, but what happened to her former owner is not known. Her search was unsuccessful.

Of course, there are many ways to react to this situation. Some will even accuse the old lady of being irresponsible. And that’s partly true. After all, in old age, health problems can happen at any time. But there is nothing worse than loneliness in old age, and perhaps this doggy, just helped the old lady to cope with difficulties.

Look around, perhaps in your yard, on your street there are lonely elderly people who also need support in a difficult moment.

Kindness always comes back.

Thank you for your attention and see you again!

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A little dog sat at the bus stop all alone, with a note lying next to it
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