A family meets a soldier after 5 years of captivity, but in his pocket is a letter of divorce from his wife

The photo is full of pleasant emotions, but no one has any idea what really happened.

This photo of the pilot and his family was often found on the web. It was taken in 1974 by a journalist of the famous Associated Press. The photo contains such a deep and heartfelt message that it was honoured with a Pulitzer Prize. The photo shows an American pilot. He spent five years in captivity in Vietnam and now finally waited for release.

His name is Robert Sturm. The pilot knew from letters from his family that his relatives, including his wife Loretta, were waiting for him at home. Part of his wife’s letter was even published in some publications.

Robert and Loretta married when they were 19 years old each. Soon they became parents of four children and made plans for the future. The thought of divorce did not arise about anyone. But then, against the backdrop of the conflict with Vietnam, Robert was drafted into the army.

Soon he fell into captivity, which lasted 5 years. Fortunately, he managed to free himself. It happened after the Americans withdrew from the territory of Vietnam.

When Robert was already on his way home, he received a farewell letter from his wife. The thing is that he was a little delayed, because it was necessary to deal with bureaucratic issues after the release. Robert never imagined that Loretta would want a divorce. Could her love not stand such a test?

After this most legendary meeting, the couple divorced. The fact is that Loretta was far from being a faithful wife. Already after a year of missing her husband, she began to actively spin romances with other men. During this time, she was offered three times to legitimise the relationship. About his personal life mum did not tell the children anything.

The court decided that the children should be divided, and at weekends they should spend time together. The ex-wife was left far from the broken trough. Not only did she get a house, a car, $300 alimony every month, but also 40% of her ex-husband’s military pension.

Six months later, they each went their separate ways. Loretta got married, and Robert found a life partner. Many network users accused the woman of failing to remain faithful to her spouse, but the comments of one of Sturm’s grandchildren bring clarity to the situation. The fact is that the wife didn’t even realise what happened to her spouse. She was barely surviving because she had to support the children alone. She decided to divorce him to start her life with a clean slate and find a man to help her raise her children.

In 2010, Loretta died. Her ex-husband is still in good health. And this emotional photo can still be found on the Internet. True, the details underneath are not as rosy as the first impression. But still: whatever happens, believe in those that loving people will always wait for you and support you in difficult times.

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A family meets a soldier after 5 years of captivity, but in his pocket is a letter of divorce from his wife
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