You will be amazed at some of the facts about this country, even though many people thought it couldn’t get any worse. There are things that are considered so absurd in the world’s most closed country that you could go to prison for life because of them, and the leader of North Korea sees nothing wrong with that.
Various American drinks

This list also includes the famous Coca-Cola, because in the country they even prohibit the invention of analogues, which can very much please the people, because of which they will start to love the West. In the current times, there are a variety of American fizzy drinks for sale. Surprisingly, if you ask an ordinary resident of North Korea what Coca-Cola is, he is likely to be puzzled, as he will hear such a name for the first time. Even in Russia they were able to invent many analogues of the famous drink, except that it does not taste much like the original Coca-Cola.
Head colouring

Many natives of North Korea can be asked about what they really think about the politics of their homeland and what features they can tell about. The most interesting thing is that in most cases Koreans emphasised the fact that they are forbidden to dye their own hair, except that one escapee from her homeland has an explanation for this:
‘You can actually buy paint quite easily, you just have to know in advance the people from whom it is possible to buy it, because they make this paint from improvised means. Not all paints are tested, but North Koreans have no other choice and have to put up with it. Personally, I have never trusted domestic dyes and never tried to use them, so all colouring in my homeland can only be done at your own risk. Surprisingly, married girls, as well as those studying in higher education, have to cut their own hair short in order not to attract more attention from men. Moreover, you will be punished by law if you appear on the street with coloured hair!’.
Men are no exception to this situation either. None of North Korea’s male representatives were allowed to grow their hair. They are only allowed to grow up to three centimetres, after which they are shaved bald again if they do not want to be punished.
What are the fast food counterparts in this country?

To be completely honest, North Korea has its own fast food places, but only such food is considered domestic, so that people do not know that such food comes from abroad. In big cities there are certain places where children eat hamburgers and fried potatoes. People are incredibly fond of such snacks, but no one unfortunately knows that this snack is American.
‘In this situation, we should be happy for the people of North Korea, who do not eat fatty and unhealthy food and do not suffer from obesity. We should take an example from these people. But honestly, I feel sorry that none of the people know what kind of things are going on outside their country. Perhaps if there was publicly available information about other national dishes out there, the diet of North Koreans wouldn’t be so meagre. The most frustrating thing is that many people can’t even choose what to eat and are satisfied with only small portions of rice, which is only allowed to be eaten occasionally,’ said one girl who escaped from North Korea, where she would not return under any pretext.
What songs are listened to in this country?

In North Korea, it is easy to get a sentence for listening to any foreign music, no matter what it is. This is quite understandable, as the country’s leader is worried that after listening to Western songs, people will have a desire to flee the country, so only domestic music is allowed in North Korea. It is the president of the country who decides which songs citizens will listen to and which songs can be allowed on the radio. The most interesting thing is that the North Korean leader also has lists of songs that were written exactly by North Koreans, but for some reason they were also forbidden to listen to, and the performers were eventually imprisoned. Of course, because of this kind of control, no one will even think about Western ideologies. Basically, not only music is banned in this country, but also many TV series as well as magazines.
How do they celebrate the New Year in North Korea?

Surprisingly, even during the holidays, no one thinks about decorating cities or homes, because no one wants to celebrate any holidays. This is the reason why people in North Korea never have any holiday mood. Some people want to decorate their homes for the winter holidays, but few people do.
By law, no religion is allowed in this country, so North Koreans are essentially atheists and pray only to their great ruler. People here are forbidden to buy Christmas trees and put them in their homes on New Year’s Eve. They do not have any festive decorations and do not go on holiday during Christmas.

Because of this law, there are even those Koreans who ended up in jail after reading the Bible, even though no Western values were even promoted there. In fact, there are many bans in this country, but it would be impossible to list them all. The only thing is that these bans do not apply to the leader of the country himself.